Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a safe, noninvasive way to significantly reduce unwanted hair. It can take six sessions or more for results that are permanent, eliminating the need for shaving, tweezing, and waxing.Laser Hair Removal

The best candidates for laser hair removal are people with dark hair and light skin. This contrast makes it easier for the hair to absorb the laser’s heat.

Laser hair removal uses heat from a laser to destroy the hair follicles and prevent the future growth of unwanted hair. It is a safe and effective method of hair removal that can eliminate the need for waxing, shaving, and tweezing. It is recommended that a series of treatments be performed in order to achieve optimal results.

The procedure is performed by a qualified medical specialist, such as a doctor or dermatologist. Prior to the treatment, the area to be treated is cleaned. A numbing gel may be applied if necessary. You will be given protective goggles to wear and the laser practitioner will then focus the laser on the specified area. Most patients find the sensation to be similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin or a sunburn-like sting. As the laser vaporizes the hair, it produces small plumes of smoke with a sulfur-like smell. The laser treatment can take as little as a few minutes or more than an hour for large areas such as the back and legs.

Although hair will eventually grow back, most patients stay hair-free for months and even years after completing the recommended number of laser treatment sessions. When the hair does regrow, it is typically less in quantity and lighter in color.

Before you undergo laser hair removal, avoid waxing or plucking the hairs, as this removes the hair follicles from the roots and can make them harder to locate by the laser. Also, avoid tanning or using a sun lamp before your session, as this can lead to discoloration of the skin. Additionally, if you are taking medications that affect blood circulation, such as aspirin, consult with your doctor before your treatment.

How long will the procedure take?

Laser hair removal can take a few minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the size of the area being treated. Your technician will put on goggles to protect your eyes and may shave the treatment area if needed.

Then, the laser technician will move the laser over your skin’s surface, targeting each hair follicle with pulses of light. The heat from the laser damages and destroys the follicle, which prevents it from growing more hair. Each pulse of light takes a fraction of a second and treats multiple hairs at the same time. The procedure is fast, effective, and relatively painless.

A topical anesthetic can be applied to reduce any discomfort during treatment. Most people describe the feeling as a series of warm pinpricks, or like a rubber band snapping against their skin. After the treatment, your skin might be red and swollen. You should avoid direct sunlight and not use a tanning bed or sun lamp, and you should follow your dermatologist’s after-care instructions.

Some hair will regrow after laser hair removal, but it is usually lighter and less noticeable than the hair that was there before. It can take several treatments to achieve permanent results, and you will likely need a touch-up session once or twice a year.

The laser light targets melanin, which is found in your hair and skin color. This makes it easier for the laser to identify the follicle and destroy it. If you have very light hair or a dark complexion, it might take more treatments to reach your desired result. Even if your skin tone is ideal, the type of hair you have can affect your results, as some colors and thicknesses of hair respond better to laser treatment than others.

How much will it cost?

Laser Hair Removal is an expensive cosmetic procedure. However, it can save money in the long run over the cost of shaving and waxing. As an elective procedure, it is not covered by medical insurance. However, some clinics offer payment plans.

The price of laser hair removal varies by region and by clinic. The location and the type of laser used are factors in cost, as is the physician who performs the procedure. Make sure to consult with a board certified physician who is licensed to perform the treatment. Avoid spas or salons that allow nonmedical personnel to perform the treatment.

It’s important to keep in mind that laser hair removal is a process that will require multiple sessions. Each session will remove some of the hair and reduce the number of hair follicles that can produce hair in the future.

Your hair grows in cycles, so you will need to schedule your treatments based on how your body grows. Typically, hair above the waistline has a 4-6 week cycle and hair below the waistline has a 6-8 week cycle.

For the best results, you’ll want to attend your laser hair removal appointments regularly. This can help prevent the appearance of a “fountain” of hair, as well as decrease the amount of unwanted hair that grows between your treatment sessions.

It’s also important to follow your doctor’s recommendations for post-treatment care. This can include wearing a broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen, especially after your last treatment. You’ll also need to avoid tanning or plucking your hair, as this can affect the effectiveness of your laser hair removal treatments. Using a topical anesthetic can help reduce the discomfort associated with the procedure, but it’s not always necessary.

Will it hurt?

Some clients find laser hair removal less painful than waxing or threading. Others may feel a slight sensation like a rubber band snapping or sunburn-like sting, but it’s very temporary. We recommend applying an aloe vera gel or ice pack to the area immediately after your session.

The type of laser used can also influence the amount of discomfort felt. The spot size, or width of the laser beam, and its fluence, or energy density, affect how deeply the skin is penetrated. It’s important to choose a doctor or laser technician with extensive experience and a thorough knowledge of the skin’s reaction to laser treatments.

It’s best to avoid shaving and plucking the area before your session. You should also avoid tanning or using sunless skin creams that darken the skin. It’s also best to skip caffeine, as it can make the pain receptors in your skin more sensitive.

For optimal results, it’s usually best to have a series of 6 treatment sessions. Many people notice a significant reduction in hair growth after their first session. However, it can take two to eight weeks for the full effect of laser hair removal to appear.

Some of the most common side effects of Laser Hair Removal include redness directly around the hairs or swelling. Most of these side effects are very mild and will go away in the days following your treatment. If you have any persistent or severe side effects, talk to your doctor. If you’re interested in laser hair removal, contact us for a consultation. We’ll answer all your questions and help you get on your way to having a more comfortable life without unwanted hair!

Are there any side effects?

The laser light heats the hair follicles of targeted areas, permanently damaging them so they can no longer grow hair. This causes the area to redden and swell temporarily, as the follicles are sensitive. Irritation should ease on its own within a few hours, and swelling responds well to ice packs or cool baths.

Rare side effects of laser hair removal include skin discoloration (either darkening or lightening the color of the treated area), scab formation, and purpura (purple spots). Some people also notice that their hair grows back darker after treatment. This is usually temporary, but it can be a problem for people with very light skin. It is best to discuss these side effects with an experienced practitioner before getting a treatment.

Some people have a temporary allergy to the laser hair removal gel used on their skin, while others may show allergic reactions to the actual laser used for their treatment. If you have any allergies or concerns, talk to your practitioner about this before having laser hair removal.

You should avoid plucking, waxing or electrolysis in the area that will be treated for six weeks before your laser session. This is because these procedures remove the hairs’ roots, which interfere with the laser treatment. It is also important to stay out of the sun before and after your laser hair removal sessions. This will help you achieve the most effective results and reduce your risk of side effects. A qualified dermatologist, cosmetic surgeon or nurse with laser hair removal experience is your safest option. It is also a good idea to check that they are registered and have suitable insurance before booking your appointment.